I've come to the conclusion that my time-management struggles most days come down to a fight between three things: exercise, sleep, or writing. It is impossible for me to do all three in any given day. I can sometimes manage to do two of those (though sleep almost always loses out to some degree). So I am in a constant battle to decide which thing is going to get neglected. All three are important to me; all three are good for me. Two are necessary for my physical health; one is necessary for my mental state. So how do I choose between them?
I am attempting to think of them in a bit of a rotation -- if I have exercised a couple of days in a row, then perhaps I'll choose writing in my blog (and/or my morning pages) the next morning. If I haven't slept well in several days, I'll buy myself an extra 30 minutes of sleep by taking the subway instead of walking an hour to work (though I love that so much, I will rarely choose not to do that). It is an imperfect system that usually leaves me feeling frustrated. I haven't found a way to feel truly ok with choosing to not exercise or not write (while I don't feel bad emotionally about not sleeping, I just feel tired and cranky which doesn't help me get the other things done).
I really need to learn how to not feel inadequate for not getting everything done I want to get done. I do hold myself to a rather impossible standard. But it isn't just that -- it is also these things make me happy and I feel frustrated that I don't have time to do them. I keep saying "if only I didn't have to work" - if only I could be earning my money from doing what I love to do. Oh-so-fortunately, I am more than halfway there. I make more than half of my money now from teaching voice lessons, which is something I love doing. My goal is to have enough students by the end of the year to be able to leave my office job and only teach -- which would allow me so much more time to write, and sleep, and exercise. While I hate to live for the future, I have to admit that I am eagerly awaiting the moment when that happens. (To that end, if you know anyone who is looking for a voice teacher, feel free to send them my way! Info on my studio is on my website.)
And now, I'm off for a lovely three day camping trip - triple the amount of weekend I normally get. I plan to do some writing on my play, and will report how it goes on Monday. Happy 4th of July!
How to be happier in 2025, and the Question Everyone Forgets to Ask
The start of a new year brings fresh possibilities—a chance to reflect,
reset, and focus on what matters most. When it comes to happiness, however,
1 month ago