It's done. It's in the mail. It has been a very intense couple of days. I did not leave my apartment from when I got home after celebrating New Year's (around 1:30am Sunday morning) until 4:30pm Monday afternoon. I did spend some of those hours sleeping and eating, but otherwise, I was in front of my computer, writing away. I got to the end of the play Monday afternoon, and had to get to the gym to get the cobwebs out of my brain and step away from it for a bit. I sent it to some other people to read in the meantime, to make sure it was solid enough to submit. I returned home after dinner to finish writing the rest of the materials needed for the application, and got up early again this morning before teaching to put the packet together and read through the script one last time. I took it to the post office this afternoon during a break between students. And thus, my twelve days of "write fast!" is complete.
I almost don't know what to do with myself now. That's one of the amazing things about having a goal and a singular over-riding focus: you always know exactly what you need to be doing. Now I have this empty evening in front of me with nothing to do and... well, actually, I have tons to do. Did I mention I am moving in 13 days? I have floorplans to draw up, movers to arrange, boxes to obtain, stuff to sort through.... Plus I want to arrange a reading of this new script, so I can hear it out loud. Among other things.
But guess what? I'm not going to do any of that. I am boiling some pasta on the stove, am sipping at a glass of wine, and I'm going to find some sort of netflix diversion to occupy me and I'm going to sit here and enjoy one of the last nights I'll have living alone with my cat in my adorable little studio apartment.
Happy New Year to me.
Aphorisms and the Power of Big Truths in Small Packages
My next book, Secrets of Adulthood: Simple Truths for Our Complex Lives,
will be published on April 1. In this book, I’ve distilled the lessons I’ve
3 hours ago