I received quite a response from my last blog post; apparently people were touched by it. And while I was touched by the people who applauded me for my efforts, I care less about the accolades than about the people who asked how they could chip in too. After spending another day out in the field today, I wanted to share some of my experience, and the wide array of opportunities there are out there to help. You do NOT have to climb 67 flights of stairs to help people. You don't even have to lift heavy things. No matter who you are or what you do, there is
something you can do to help, I promise you.
Today I spent 5 hours at one of Occupy Sandy's two main hubs volunteer/distribution hubs (520 Clinton Ave in Brooklyn). I arrived at 9:30; I had to leave by 2:30 to get back to teach. Even though I didn't have all day, I figured there must be *something* I could do to help for a few hours. There sure was. Here is just a sampling of the opportunities available:
communication jobs (can be done sitting down):
- be part of the communications team taking calls from people in the field about what is needed and where, and feeding the information to the dispatch team (bring your laptop and cellphone)
- be part of the dispatch team, sending drivers and volunteers out with supplies to those in need (bring your laptop)
- welcome new volunteers, find out their skill set/interests, and direct them to where help is most needed
This is but a *tiny* portion of one
UPS delivery that was received just today. |
organizing/sorting stuff jobs (requires some physical exertion):
- help unload boxes* from the UPS truck -- assembly line style
- open, unpack, and/or break down those boxes*
- sort the contents of the boxes* into their designated aisles
The boxes* after they have been organized |
There are literally thousands of boxes coming into the center every day from the Amazon "wedding registry" set up by Occupy Sandy, ordered by generous souls all over the globe. So if anyone had doubts about those boxes ending up in the right hands, I have witnessed that they are.
- load up cars and trucks that a taking those supplies out to the people who need them
- fill shopping bags for people who have come in person needing donations
be out in the hard-hit neighborhoods jobs
- if you have a car, you can drive other volunteers and supplies out to those who need them
- even if you don't have a car, you can be a volunteer who gets driven to a location to deliver supplies
- be part of a team canvassing a neighborhood to find out what people need and report back, so that other folks can be sent out with specifically requested supplies
food jobs
- if you like to cook (or just to be around food), you can work in the kitchen, preparing and packing up some of the 20,000 hot meals the kitchen might prepare in a day to be delivered to people who haven't had hot food in over a week
- even if you can't stay, you can be like one person I saw and bring over a pot of homemade pasta to help feed the volunteers lunch (and I enjoyed her pasta very much!)
In short, even if being outside all day is not appealing; or if knocking on strangers' doors is intimidating; or if climbing endless flights of stairs is not in your exercise profile; or if you only have a couple of hours to spare: THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO.
Go to 520 Clinton Ave. It is half a block from a C train stop. Lend an hour, lend two, lend five, lend ten. Get your exercise in carrying boxes, or exercise your spreadsheet skills dispatching volunteers. I met people who took a half day off work, people who stopped in on their way to work, people who had the day off. Come on the weekend. Come when you can. Just COME. I have never felt more hopeful about the future of the human race than I did today. You owe it to yourself. You owe it to the people devastated by Sandy. JUST DO IT.